“Spreading the Gospel” is one of the themes of Zion 30th anniversary. As God’s representatives on earth, the church is also a part of the community, encouraging us to engage with and care for the community. The Community Care Organizing Committee sincerely invites brothers and sisters to participate together.
– 最新活動 – Latest Events –
Prayer Walk
錫安堂將於9/7(六) 早上9:30舉行第二次禱告之旅。我們計劃會在萬錦市食物銀行及Markhaven Senior Home之間的社區,透過步行祈禱為有需要的人去求上帝賜給他們平安、醫冶、保護、喜樂。詳情請密留意稍後教會崇拜報告。
Zion will hold its second prayer walk on Saturday, September 7th, at 9:30 AM. We plan to walk and pray in the community between the Markham Food Bank and Markhaven Senior Home, asking God to grant peace, healing, protection, and joy to those in need. Please stay tuned for further details in the upcoming church service announcements.
– 過去活動 – Past Events –
Tree Planting
在五月,廿十多位錫安堂的弟兄姊妹參與了由社區組織 – 10000 Trees舉行的植樹日。本次活動為Monarch Park種植了400棵樹苗。
In May, more than twenty brothers and sisters from Zion participated in a tree planting day organized by the community group 10000 Trees. The event resulted in the planting of 400 saplings in Monarch Park.
Senior Home Visitation
感謝主,七月,有大概 20 多位弟兄姊妹一同到 Markhaven Senior Home 作了兩次的探訪。我們以詩歌、信息、故事分享、遊戲互動、祈禱,與住院的長者分享基督的愛。
In July, we gratefully had about 20 brothers and sisters visit Markhaven Senior Home twice. We shared the love of Christ with the elderly residents through songs, messages, stories, interactive games, and prayers.
Food Donation Drive
真誠的行動就像是一份寶貴的禮物,付出的人不求回報,接受的人也會萬分感激。當我們將耶穌基督的愛付諸實際行動,藉著捐贈與分享,學懂感恩擁有的,珍惜當下的,關愛貧乏的。"只是不可忘記行善和捐輸的事,因為這樣的祭是上帝所喜悅的" 希伯來書13章16節
On August 10th and 11th, the brothers and sisters of Zion generously donated a significant amount of food and essential items to the Markham Food Bank. Such sincere actions are like precious gifts—those who give do so without expecting anything in return, while those who receive are deeply grateful.
When we put the love of Jesus Christ into action through donations and sharing, we learn to be thankful for what we have, to cherish the present, and to care for those in need. “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” (Hebrews 13:16)
Sharing from the Food Donation Drive
I’m incredibly grateful to work with a few brothers and sisters to organize a donation event for Markham Food Bank. This experience has been deeply rewarding, as it has allowed us to come together with a shared purpose and make a tangible difference in our community. This experience has also provided a valuable lesson for the next generation. By coming together to support a cause greater than ourselves, we’re not only addressing immediate needs but also setting an example of empathy, teamwork, and community spirit.
Seeing the generosity of our friends, family, and neighbors has been truly inspiring. It’s heartwarming to witness how many people are willing to contribute and support those in need. Each donation, no matter how small, adds up to create a significant impact.